I seem to think my mistress was pleased with me for I performed my tasks well. But how do I know that? Why do thoughts of fragrances occur to me? Fragrances of what? And from where? It really is very confusing. Perhaps the dark makes it more difficult. The quiet though peaceful can sometimes disturb me. Was it always like this? But wait! There was noise all around me and I think my mistress was very frightened. The noise was so loud quite like anything before and yes I remember there was movement – a lot of it. But I don’t remember why, or how. Then there was darkness and silence. How long has it been like this? I do not know. Maybe if I wait here there will …
Wait! What is that? It’s movement again. Oh no! What is happening? More movement and now there is light again, and noise. I am being lifted.
“Hey guys look at this.”
“What is it?”
“Not sure, some piece of old pottery.”
“Looks like a handle – could be an old jug or something?”
“What shall I do with it?”
“Put it in the finds bucket – maybe Craig will know what it is.”